Nachdem ich bereits im September 2008 A Real Tree vorgestellt habe, kommt nun mit iPhorest die zweite Applikation für’s iPhone, mit der man einen realen Baum pflanzen kann. Diese ist allerdings etwas ausgepfeilter und wird daher wohl auch zusätzlich auf meinem iPod touch landen. Bäume braucht es ja immer.
Once you download the app, you can virtually grow your tree
- You dig a hole by creating a digging motion until your seedling appears
- Plant the seedling
- Shake your phone to create a storm and when the sun comes your tree begins to grow
- Repeating this will allow your tree to reach full growth
- Share your tree growth at any stage with others by pressing the share button to email them a picture
- Go up to Forest, where you can reset your growth.
- Go up to see all of the other iPhorest users. Help green the Earth – the app places a dot where you first launch iPhorest.
Tree planting services are provided to iPhactory by The Conservation Fund. For each virtual tree planted, The Conservation Fund will plant a native tree in real life – starting with restoration of vulnerable wildlife habitats along the Gulf Coast in the United States. They will work with the nation’s leading public natural resource agencies to ensure the long-term protection of each iPhorest
via Basic Thinking und treehugger
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